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One of the things that you sign up for when you get married and have brats (precious little kids) is knowing that there is going to be a time when they are all going to lean on you because they are a little under the weather. A time when you have to smile, be patient and know that they will all feel better soon. Please for the love of god feel better ASAMFP…

You want everyone to feel better. It pains you inside to see them feeling this way. You hope that the medicine that you just gave them will help them feel better, the homemade chicken soup will warm their bodies up and help them heal faster.

The “Filterless Father” has had a rough couple of weeks here. Pretty much everyone has been sick in the house with flu and strep for the past few weeks. It was odd to see Cameron sick. He is six and a half years old and he has probably been sick five days his whole life.  Everyone except the “Filterless Father”.

Everyone started getting sick right around Valentine’s Day. So this year, much to my wife’s liking…. there wasn’t much celebrating on Valentine’s Day.

My wife didn’t have strep but said her throat hurt and I think you all have an idea why that is…… because it was the start of her getting the flu.

Between work, taking kids to the doctor, shopping and cooking. I am one tired mofo.

Taking the kids to the doctor to have the flu and strep test. There is nothing positive to say to your kids here. They know what is coming. They do not like it. I typically have them on my lap. I have visions of them knocking my teeth out trying to avoid the swabs.

The one advantage was I was sent to the guest room to sleep all of last week. I haven’t slept that good in years. Plus I was able to catch up on some Netflix shows that I watch, that Lorelei does not care for.

The kids were enjoying being sick the most. They got to watch TV and had the iPad all day. Shit, they got waited on hand and foot by me. I would be relaxing and hear Cameron scream for a SNACK!!! On Sunday afternoon I was finally getting in a power nap. He walked upstairs to tell me he wanted a damn snack. I said, “why on gods green earth didn’t you get it yourself?”. His response. “I wanted you to get it”.

The snack was always an ice pop. He ate like 40. Daddy got sugar free pops.  I can outsmart these little offsprings.

One of the best moments came Monday afternoon at about 3:30.  After a long three day weekend, The kids are starting to feel better and my wife says we need to do something after being stuck in the house for the last four days. I was so tired and very busy playing a game on my phone. I just looked at her and said “no”. Just by my lite toned response, she knew I could barely walk erect. We ordered in that night.

This is one of the real highlights of being a loving parent and husband. Taking care of loved ones when they are not feeling well. I might complain about it a little bit, but I wouldn’t trade last weekend for the world. I love my family more than anything else.

Native New Yorker, now living in Connecticut. Husband, and father of two amazing boys. Kidney transplant recipient, and a big supporter of organ donation #donatelife. Mortgage banker, but not by choice. In my free time, I enjoy golf, reading (especially presidential biographies), and finding that hole in the wall restaurant that has great food.

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