The last few months have wreaked havoc on the world.  Upturned our lives, and our families.  Changes our jobs, our roles in the home, and our connections.  And while I have weathered it all fairly unscathed, I am not immune to feeling the weight of the world around me.  During all of this, I have had some health concerns come forward as well. Really, we can call them mysteries as they are still being investigated and unraveled one specialist at a time, but no worries, I am ok.

To that end, I am struggling with a lot of mental barriers to focus/creativity and my emotions are all over the scale.  I have been struggling to write anything that makes me happy with it.  I am struggling to connect with my own emotions, and therefore, have been unable to connect with my words.  And I hate it.  It is strange and foreign place for me to visit as my words are always my outlet.  The ability to pull what is inside, out, and onto paper, take it apart, and rewrap it so that it all fits is one of the most therapeutic practices I have.  And it is one that is as of late, failing me and causing me some pretty intense internal strife, and pressure to deliver.  And I just do not think I can do that right now.

Last month I wrote about how if my friends do not hear from me for a bit, it is because I do not feel present enough with myself, to be present wholly for them.  This is how I feel about my role here at the Daily Feels right now.  I have loved every minute of sharing, and your support, and words, and even just putting it out there, has helped me tremendously.  I love the community that has been built here.  I am in great company, surrounded by other talented storytellers living their truths.  I am so very proud to be a part of it.

But I am going to step away for a while.  I need to regroup, and recalibrate.  So that when I share, it is truly and wholly, me.  As that is what I signed on to do.  Please know that my time with Janis, and the Daily Feels has been life changing for me, and I will miss it.  I will not say goodbye, as I hope to someday return.  And I hope it’s soon.  Truly, I do.

In the meantime, I thank you ALL for reading, commenting and supporting my journey and growth here at the “Feels”.  I cherish every one of you and recognize how blessed I have been to be welcomed into this circle of fine humans.  I wish you nothing but joy, love, light and laughter.

Until we meet again,

Joan Poirier is an Empath, a goddess, a woman, a wife, a mother, a sister, a friend. She is you, and she is me. Just a real woman, embracing her age and her wisdom, and not afraid of opening the dam and making some waves during her short time on the wild ride of life. She is on an ever-growing quest to live better, do better, be better and taking all the lumps that go with it.

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